Saturday 20 July
Many of you will have noticed last week that when the booking sheet for Saturday 20 July opened, the first tee time was listed as 6.15am. Obviously, this was an error (unless you’d like to play in the dark!).
Accordingly, the tee times should be read as 1 hour later (eg. 6.15 = 7.15). Apologies for any confusion.
Glen Waverley Cup
With victory on Saturday, Paul Chodziesner has slashed Doug Smith’s lead in the Glen Waverley Cup.
Round 8 will be played on 3 August 2024.
We had previously advised that the trial of the Sunday booking system would commence on Sunday 14 July 2024, with the bookings for that day opening on 4 July 2024.However, given Tuesday’s announcement that the Monash Cup will be played on Sunday 14 July, we have decided to postpone the launch of the Sunday booking trial until Sunday 21 July, with the booking opening at 7pm on Thursday, 11 July.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
Men’s Monash Cup
We are holding the Men’s Monash Cup annual competition between Oakleigh Golf Club and GWGC on Sunday the 14th of July 2024
Please register your interest in representing the GWGC by placing your name on the list located on the notice board in our clubrooms. We are looking for a minimum of 12 players.
The format is Stableford aggregate. Stableford scores are added together, and an average is taken, the best average is deemed the winner of the Monash Cup.
The intent is to mix in the Oakleigh representatives with our morning competition slot; we have arranged for added time slots with the pro-shop to accommodate.
All players may still register and play the daily competition, being Stableford.
We are hoping all players, once completing their rounds, stay back for Drinks & Light Lunch, supplied by GWGC.
Note, the Oakleigh Golf Club currently holds the trophy, having won it in 2023 and we are looking to return it to the GWGC.
Saturday 6 July 2024
We have negotiated with Bluefit to secure 12 extra slots for our Saturday booking sheet from next week – some of you may have noticed last night that the booking sheet for next Saturday (6 July) includes 84 slots rather than 72.
We have also negotiated so that we will not have to close the bookings two days before the round. This will allow for members to remove themselves from the sheet if they can no longer play, and enable people to move into any vacant positions.
Please note that these amendments will be reviewed by Bluefit in due course. Therefore, it is important that people delete their booking if they are no longer able to play so that we can fill all available slots – this will be the best way to ensure that we can demonstrate to Bluefit that we are utilising our booking slots.
Saturday 29 June 2024
Many of you will have noticed last night that the booking sheet for next Saturday’s round had a number of groups ‘reserved’.
This reservation of places was to accommodate an event that our lady members are having and to ensure that all of the ladies play and finish their rounds at around the same time.
We apologise for not bringing this to the attention of our members in advance.
Trial of Sunday Bookings System
The recent addition of new members has seen an increase in the size of our Sunday fields. Whilst Sundays are not as busy as Saturdays, the increased numbers is seeing some members having to wait up to an hour to tee off.
Therefore, from Sunday 14 July 2024 we will commence a trial of the use of the booking system for Sunday play. Bookings for Sunday play will open at the same time as the Saturday sheet, meaning that booking for both days of the weekend will open at 7pm on Thursday 9-10 days in advance.
Accordingly, bookings for Sunday 14 July 2024 will open at 7pm on Thursday 4 July. We will endeavour to remind members about this change prior to that date.
Please let us know if you have any questions about making a booking.
Change of Playing Conditions
With the course now starting to soften up, the playing conditions will be changed to lift, clean and place (within a handspan) through the green, from tomorrow, Saturday 22 June 2024.
Saturday Fields
We are conscious of the fact that we are now starting to fill all of the booking slots for Saturday competitions.
We will discuss with Bluefit the possibility of extending our slot to accommodate more players for the Saturday field.
Winner – Glen Waverley GC Team Red
On Sunday May 26th, 2024 Glen Waverley Red beat Australasian 12-4 in the Pennant Final @ Werribee.
That coincidentally was the same score the team got beaten by in the first round of the regular season at home. By none other than Australasian. Little did we know at that point it was going to be our only loss for the year. What followed were an away win at Altona Lakes, a draw at Riverview, a comprehensive win at Australasian, a draw at home with Altona Lakes and a win at home against Riverview.
We finished the regular season on top of the ladder, knowing full well it would count for little in the final. The final was a close contest with many of the games finishing on holes 17 or 18. For a long time it looked like a play-off was on the cards. The turning point in our favour were the matches of our position 3 and 4 players who managed to win / half their contests after being down for most of the day.
In total 12 players represented the club at various stages of the season. For many it was their first ever season of VGL Match Play. From a Captain’s point of view, it was pleasing to see how quickly the “Rookies” adapted to the complexities of Match Play, the manner in which players represented the club and the support of one another amongst the Group. 3 players deserve a special mention as they finished the season including the final unbeaten; well done to Scott Williams, Darren Buckley and Rob Mead.
Congratulations to: Rob Mead, Wen Zhao, Venkat Kapuganty, Scott Williams, Darren Buckley (VC), David Wong, John Zhu, Lutz Toriedt (C), Peter Phan, Chandra Naidu, Robbie Cooray & & Simon Barwick
Saturday 1st June was the first week in which the booking sheet formally closed two days before the round. We are aware that the closing of the sheet presents a problem for those people trying to remove themselves from the sheet. We are working through this issue to see if it can be resolved.
In the interim, it is important to remember that you should consider the booking times as a guide only, and that the sheet represents the playing order of the groups. Please ensure that you are ready at the first tee at least 20 minutes before your booked tee time in case you are required to tee off early.
Congratulations Derek on this special achievement.
On a cold morning, which turned into a beautiful sunny day, nineteen Glen Waverley members played eleven Oakleigh members for the Monash Cup which was held on May 15th at Glen Waverley.
Glen Waverley retained the Cup 43.5 to 38.5 average Stableford points.
It was our first function, besides one home Pennant game, held in our new clubrooms. Thanks you to Marg, Florence, Eugena , Jessica, Helen, Annette and Margot for providing the slices for afternoon tea; to Di for organising the prizes and to Wendy for organising the raffle – the proceeds of which support Waverley Industries in Notting Hill and Hallam, who provide meaningful employment to around 330 people with disabilities.
The prizes were won by:
18 holes
9 holes
Now that the Sports Hub is fully operational, Bluefit is looking to maximise its revenue from both the golf and tennis facilities.
Bluefit has advised that it is receiving an increased number of enquiries from the public regarding golf bookings for Saturday mornings. In that regard, Bluefit is requiring that the Club provide it with details of the number of member bookings we have on Saturday mornings so that it can make any spare bookings available to the public.
Accordingly, to meet Bluefin’s requirements, we will be trialling the following changes to the Saturday bookings system.
As is currently the case, bookings for Saturday rounds will open at 7pm on Thursday, 9 days before the round – there is no change to how the bookings are made.
At 10am on the Thursday 2 days before the round, the booking sheet will be closed.
If you wish to make a booking for the Saturday once our booking sheet is closed, you will have to book your round directly with Bluefit (pro shop).
This trial will be introduced for Saturday, 1 June 2024. For clarity, bookings for that Saturday will open at 7pm on Thursday 23 May and will close at 10am on Thursday 30 May.
Once you have made your books, the booking time should be considered an estimate of your tee time and should instead consider the sheet as an order of play.
Please bear with us while we work through this trial.
This Saturday’s Men’s round has been amended to a stroke round (rather than the Stableford round listed in the syllabus) as it is the second round of the President’s Cup, the first round of which was also a stroke round.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
We have been advised that next Tuesday and Wednesday (22 and 23 May), the first tee will need to be moved forward to accommodate the digging of a trench for some electrical works.
We are advised that the work should take approximately two days to complete.
The GWGC team of Coralie Higgins, Eugena Kwak, Deb Sal, Wendy Hunter and Jenny Eddy won the Division 5 pennant final against top team, Riverview GC, 7 pts to 3 pts on Monday April 15th at Northern GC. Thank you to our caddies Sheryn Mcinerny, Di Wardle and Bong Hwa Park for all of their support on the day.
As most members would be aware, during the period of construction and course changes the slope rating for your daily handicaps was reduced after consultation with Golf Australia.
With the opening of the first and tenth tee boxes the course is now being played under normal conditions and effective from Tuesday 23rd April the course rating has been reinstated to its original slope.
Make sure when you register for the competition of the day you review your new daily handicap as this will change with the higher rating.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via return email.
A reminder that the Men’s Presentation will be held at the clubrooms after the competition of the round on Saturday, 20th April 2024 . A light lunch will be served.